*Shamelessly stolen pic from Matchbox.comYesterday I asked the folks we'll be working with in Nepal if there was anything they'd like me to bring over from the states, such as clothing, med supplies, construction materials for Sanu's technologies, etc..
This morning I got a response from Boo Hess, Michael Hess' sister-in-law who is in Nepal this month with her husband, Peter (Michael's brother, who is the stateside director of NOH). Her report from the orphanage:
". . . As for your offer to bring items. One thing I have thought of as I watch the boys play, and perhaps the others will think of more necessary items, but I see some of the boys have a little Matchbox-size vehicle to play with. The toy is barely in one piece and usually is pulled along by a length of string found on the garbage-strewn road. If by any chance you have a little room in your bag for a few of these little toys, I think the boys who do not have one would really be pleased. . ."
Mom, watch out. I'll be coming home soon to pillage my old basket of Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars!